The ball smacked into the wall and rebounded back towards Kathryn. The shot was Tom’s though and in his effort to return it he barrelled across the court. No where to run, Kathryn flattened herself to the back of the court as Tom whacked the ball spun around then collided into her. He hadn’t intended too, the momentum of the shot was just too great for him to stop in time and Tom found himself slapping the walls either side of Kathryn.

Kathryn exhaled sharply as the weight of his chest crushed her hot and heaving breasts. She also became aware of his knee between the apex of her legs and the firm flesh nestled within his shorts that pressed against her thigh.

Tom stood plastered to the wall and simultaneously glued to Kathryn. Both of them were panting hard it had been a rough game and Tom had just lost. ‘To the victor goes the spoils’ thought Tom and with that he turned his head and kissed Kathryn full on the mouth.

Instinctively she raised her hands to push Tom away but as his lips engulfed hers and his tongue darted into her open mouth she stopped, frozen by the tiny sparks of pleasure Tom’s kiss was producing inside her and by her own response as she kissed him back.

Suddenly Tom pulled away, shocked and embarrassed at what he had done he avoided making eye contact with Kathryn, mumbled “I’m sorry,” then headed for the exit fast.

Kathryn took a deep breath, she was still standing against the wall blinking hard and trying to take in what had just transpired. There were regulations in the Starfleet manual on this sort of thing, even examples of how to deal with such an event but for the life of her Kathryn couldn’t remember one.

Half a minuet must have passed before she moved and then it was only to touch her fingers tenderly to her lips. If she closed her eyes she could still feel Tom’s crushing them and his tongue exploring the inside of her mouth. The memory started a tingle deep inside Kathryn’s groin and she felt herself flush pink as the tingle exploded into a full orgasm.

Back in his quarters Tom stood under the sonic shower trying to control the throbbing between his legs. She had looked so beautiful, her face alight with laughter, her body hot, sweaty and vibrating against his. It had been a foolish reaction to the moment that’s all nothing more and yet the erection he had received upon tasting her lips and caressing her mouth was still with him. If she weren’t his Captain he would probably have attempted to take the kiss further, maybe even as far as making love to her right there on the court.

He imagined their hot sweaty body’s writhing together as he thrust his pulsating shaft into her fiery cunt and suckled the firm peeks of her breasts. “Oh Kathryn!” Tom gasped as he shot his load onto the cubical floor. “One day!”

The End