Captains log, personal: ------

It’s been three months since Tom and I kissed but the memory of his lips against mine still lingers. Sometimes when we’re on the bridge together I can recall the sensual way his hands played over my body that day. I don’t know if he’s still haunted by the event also because apart from duty we haven’t spoken. The doctor says Paris connection with Seven is diminishing daily. Which is good but Tom’s still uneasy with the matter and to top it all his relationship with Belanna is practically over.

Ship wise all is calm; this region of space is sparsely habited and peaceful, so we’re using the time to catch up on a few of Voyagers long over due repairs.

Lieutenant Tom Paris entered Voyagers mess hall sniffing the air, something on the menu smelled good today and he was famished. Neelix, their colourful Talaxian cook was in the galley humming, which was usually a good sign food wise. Rubbing his hands together in anticipation Paris approached the food counter.

"Is that your stomach I hear Tom?" asked Neelix.

"It is indeed. I’ve been working since six bells this morning and I’m famished, so what have you got for me?"

"Blue boy egg lasagne." Neelix placed a plate in front off Paris.

The pasta was bright blue and the contents varied from purple to green but Paris had long since learnt to eat Neelix’s cooking with the view of the colour blind.

"Well I hope it tastes as good as it looks and smells?" commented Paris, picking up the plate and a glass of water.

"Oh it does," assured Neelix already moving on to his next hungry customer, or should that be guinea pig.

The dining room was busy and Paris only just got to a seat before Ensign Hart. "Better look next time," He said as Hart hurried to another empty chair.

Paris set down his plate, took a sip of his water, unrolled his napkin, retrieved his cutlery and was just about to dig his fork into the luminous pasta when he heard his name bellowed across the mess hall like a faulty tannoy speaker.


It was Belanna Torres, she had probably discovered he wasn’t cleaning the warp core plasma relays as ordered by her that morning and had come in search of her wayward worker. Something Paris had figured wouldn’t happen for at least another half-hour. He should have listened to his mother when she advised him to never underestimate a Klingon. Paris watched his fork still suspended over his meal as Torres stomped her way across the mess hall, oblivious to the crewmembers side stepping out of her way least they should be pushed into their food or sent flying.

"Why are you not on duty?"

"Because I was hungry and I find it hard to concentrate with my stomach growling."

"So you thought you would sneak off while my back was turned?"

"Hey!" Paris exclaimed, throwing his fork down into the lasagne. "I don’t have to ask your permission to eat."

"If you worked faster you’d have time for food. Your behind in your work load and I have more jobs piling up. So I suggest you get back to it, NOW!"

"Is that a suggestion or an order Lieutenant?"

"While your butt is assigned to me, as chief engineer anything I say is an order."

Paris rose from his seat, conscious of the silence that had befallen the room, he tossed his napkin across his plate and without saying another word sidled past Torres then left the mess hall.

After he had gone all eyes swivelled to Torres, embarrassed by their attention she yelled "Don’t you have anything better to do?" Then pushing two young male Ensigns aside marched out of the dining area.


An hour later somewhere on one of Voyagers lower decks Captain Janeway was passing an open Jefferies tube when she heard a cry of pain, several loud profanities and a cacophony of thumps and crash’s.

"Lieutenant Paris?" Janeway called briefly lowering her head to the tube’s entrance then stepping back to allow the occupant to exit the crawl space. Tom Paris clambered out one handed, blood was oozing from a gash across the palm of his other hand. Janeway noticed his uniform appeared ruffled and his face was smeared with grease.

She also noticed the look of exhaustion on his face. "I’m not quite sure but I believe I heard French, Klingon and Cardassian swear words just now."

"Sorry Captain," Paris replied, while looking down at his shoes.

"I didn’t realize you were such a linguistic Mr. Paris." Janeway said, moving her own feet into his line of sight, thus forcing his gaze upwards.

"I’m not ma’am but you know how it is, you just pick things up." (My god she’s beautiful) thought Paris. Janeway was dressed casual, her hair hanging loose, and a hint of make up highlighting her cheekbones.

"I guess you learnt the Klingon from Miss Torres?"

"Sure and how to do three jobs at the same time on an empty stomach as well."

"Am I detecting a problem?"

"Just a small one but I can handle it."

"How? By beating the hell out of my Jefferies tubes?"

Paris shifted uneasily from one foot to the other; he didn’t want to get Janeway involved in his battles with Belanna.

"Look Tom if you don’t feel you could talk to me right now there’s always Chakotay or the doctor. Speaking of whom, you had better get him to look at that hand before it gets infected."

"I …… I’ll just finish up here first." Paris stuttered.

"I’ll reassign someone to finish this; you report to the doctor then get a clean uniform and something to eat."

"Yes ma’am." Paris nodded, and then scuttled away before she saw the tears forming in his eyes. She was breaking his heart but he was powerless to do anything about it, at least out here in the delta quadrant where any relationship between them was verboten.

Janeway watched Paris leave with an unhappy feeling wrenching at her stomach. This couldn’t go on much longer and as captain it was her responsibilities to find a solution, hers alone.

Six hours later after swapping a visit to sickbay for a quick zip over with a personal dermal regenerator and a hot meal for a cup of luke warm coffee; Paris was still on duty. But by this time he was pulling a double shift as night watch C.O on Voyagers Bridge.

In total Paris had been on duty 18 hours straight and the only thing he had consumed were 4 cups of coffee and a brown muffin. So when he began snoring softly whilst occupying Chakotays command chair, Harry Kim decided to leave him alone, signalling the other three crew members on duty to do the same. Unfortunately Harry hadn’t bargained on the captain showing her face and she wouldn’t have, if she hadn’t been in search of the said sleeping lieutenant.

Janeway exited the turbo lift on her bridge and immediately ran her eyes around the room. Taking in the motionless form of lieutenant Paris she continued on to Harry Kim who looked about ready to call out and wake up Rip-van-winkle, so she gave him a ‘don’t you dare stare’ that made him clamp his mouth shut and pretend to be busy. Moving on Janeway casually meandered across the bridge until she was stood in front of Paris.

Paris was resting his head to one side with his elbow propped up on the chairs armrest and his hand tucked under his chin. To Janeway he looked so handsome and peaceful that for a moment she almost changed her mind about waking him up, almost. Clearing her throat first Janeway hollered "LIEUTENANT PARIS!"

Paris jumped literally out of his seat onto his feet, flustered, terrified and still half asleep he tried to bluff, "C…Captain…..I."

"Save it Mr Paris," said Janeway sternly, halting his stuttering. "Report to my ready room."

"Yes, ma’am," Paris said then hurried away, giving Harry a dirty look as he went.

"Mr Kim take the bridge," Janeway ordered. "And don’t think I haven’t finished with you yet."

"Yes ma’am. No ma’am," Kim replied moving to take up the seat Paris had just vacated.

Janeway checked her bridge once more then followed Paris into her ready room. She found him standing to attention in front of her desk, his head held high and his muscular back straight but his sandy hair was ruffled and his uniform creased giving him that ‘rebel’ appearance.

"Stand at ease Lieutenant," Janeway ordered moving over to her desk. "You do know I could throw you in the brig for what you did in there?"

"Yes ma’am," Paris said trying to sound sincerely apologetic.

"Care to give me one good reason why I shouldn’t."

"All I can say in my defence is that I’ve been on duty for nearly 20 hours straight now and I was extremely tired."

"You haven’t been to the doctor or changed your uniform either."

"I didn’t have time; I would have been late for my bridge duty."

"I’d rather you were late and awake, than on time and asleep."

"Yes ma’am. I’m sorry ma’am," Paris apologized again.

Janeway began pacing the room while she spoke shooting glances at Paris every time she passed him. "How come you’ve pulled so much consecutive duty time anyway?" Janeway eventually asked.

"I swapped shifts with Lieutenant Grimes last week before Chakotay assigned me a double shift with Belanna. I tried to explain to the commander my position but he wouldn’t listen, something about pulling my weight and it wouldn’t do me any harm. I thought I could cope but Belanna’s been on my back all day."

"I see," said Janeway sitting back onto the edge of her desk and folding her arms. She was finding it very hard to stay mad at Paris, especially as she didn’t really want to. "I’m ordering you right now to report to Neelix for food then you are to return to your quarters, sleep, wash and change. I don’t want to see you until 0900 hours tomorrow at which time regardless of anything else you will report to me in docking bay 2. Am I understood?"

‘Aye captain."


Paris turned to leave but he hesitated and turned back, Janeway was still perched on her desk, for a brief second Paris had the crazy notion of taking her in his arms and making love to her over the desk but instead he said. "I just wanted to reassure you that this won’t ever happen again."

"It had better not lieutenant, because next time I won’t be so lenient."

There wasn’t anything Paris could say to that so he left.


Tom Paris entered docking bay 2 at precisely 0900 hours the next morning. At first glance it appeared devoid of life but on better inspection he noticed one of the smaller shuttles had been prepped ready for launch and was standing with her back access hatch open. Approaching the vessel and peering inside Paris found Captain Janeway ensconced in the pilot’s seat

"Come on board Mr Paris," invited Janeway, turning slightly and smiling. She was glad to see he had slept, washed and changed as ordered, he’d even shaved.

"Are we going on a trip?" Paris asked, ducking into the back of the shuttle.

"Kind of," replied Janeway. "As you know I’m required to put in a specified amount of flight time each year to maintain my pilots license. Well unfortunately for you I’m currently 4 hours short on my quota, so I’ve arranged a little shuttle time."

"I see," said Paris. "Which basically means were going for a spin around the block?"

Janeway chuckled. "I guess you could say that."

"I’ve just got one question before we start, what am I here for?"

"You’re here to evaluate my performance, make sure I haven’t become sloppy." (And so I can get you alone for a little chat)

"Does that mean I have to assess everything you do, even pre-flight checks?’


"Ok," said Paris smugly, as he climbed into the co-pilots seat.

"Did I do something wrong?" Janeway asked, activating the panel to close and seal the rear hatch.

"Now that would be telling wouldn’t it," Paris grinned from ear to ear, he was going to enjoy this.

After asking Chakotay for permission to take off, Janeway eased the little shuttlecraft out of Voyagers open docking bay doors. The small bubble of anxiety inside her stomach grew as she powered up the impulse engines then the warp drive but she wasn’t anxious about her flying. Kathryn was hoping this ‘spin around the block’ would give her a chance to lay some ghosts to rest and clear up any misunderstandings.

"How about some music?" Janeway asked casually after they had been flying in total silence for half an hour.

"Why not, we’ve still got another three and a half hours to kill and there’s not much happening out here." Paris leaned back in his seat, stapled his hands together behind his head and relaxed. Secretly grateful for any thing that would put an end to the claustrophobic silence between them.

"Computer," Janeway called, "Captains choice medley………23." She picked the number off the top of her head, but immediately regretted it as soon as the first track began.

Oh I have a little daughter

And my daughter’s name is Kate.

She’s every bit mischievous as a kitten on a skate

With the bandage on her forehead

And the bruises on her knees

You’d swear she’d fought the buccaneers on all the seven seas.

For she’s up the stairs

And down the stairs

And in the room and out

Like a miniature tornado she can blow the house about.

The Irish lilt of the male singer blended well into the song, giving it a rich tone.

Take an angel

And the devil

And the twinkling of an eye

That’s my Katie, little lady

And I love her.

"Nice song," commented Paris with a smile.

"It’s by a 20th century Irish crooner named Val Doonican." Janeway informed Paris. "He wrote the song for his daughter ‘Kathryn’."

"Ah!" responded Paris, listening carefully to the next verse.

Now you might believe in miracles

You might believe in saints

But you would never believe my Katie when she’s playing with her paints

For there’s red upon her forehead

And there’s green upon her face

In her hair and in her eyes but on the paper not a trace

When she’s in her room and quite

And there comes a kind of calm

You develop a sensation that you’re sitting upon a bomb

Take and angel

And the devil

And the twinkling of an eye

That’s my Katie, little lady

And I love her.

"She reminds me of you," said Paris over the instrumental.

Janeway scowled at him. "Computer change music selection to…"

"Whoa!…….I’m enjoying this," Paris stopped Janeway from changing the music and the next verse played on. As he listened to the lyrics Paris chortled. Pictures of a little Kathryn Janeway covered in paint, tearing around getting up to mischief passed through his mind and tugged at his heart strings.

Now my Katie loves her games you know

And thirty times a week

I find myself dragooned into a game of hide and seek

So I find myself in closets

Under beds I quietly creep

And wait for thirty minuets until my brain has gone to sleep

Yes I wait for half an hour

And it feels like half a day

Then I find a friend has come to call and Kate’s gone out to play

Take an angel

And the devil

And the twinkling of an eye

That’s my Katie, little lady

And I love her

Janeway let the song play through but as the last verse began she suddenly remembered why she liked the song and kept a copy

Now I’m sure you’ve heard of fathers

Who would dote upon their girls

Who get wrapped around their fingers with the touching of a curl

The first time she had heard the song was about a year after her father’s death. She’d been in a small café in Waterford, Ireland, the singers home town, the words had reminded her of the fun times from when she was a child and they made her smile through the pain in her heart.

Who are fooled by hugs and kisses?

Until there’s nothing they wouldn’t do

Well don’t believe a word of it, it simply isn’t true

Because I’d only jump the moon for the hugs I get to give her and the kisses she gives to me

Take an angel

And the devil

And the twinkling of an eye

That’s my Katie, little lady

And I love her

Normally Janeway would have sung along with the words but with Paris present she hadn’t felt inclined too. The instrumental at the end faded but before it gave way to silence, a young girl’s voice whispered.

"I love you daddy."

Paris said nothing; those four words told him just how special the song was to his Captain and stealing a glance in her direction he was sure, just for a second that he saw a tear in her eye.

Janeway nonchalantly removed the tear with a swift swipe of her hand that she was sure Paris hadn’t seen. "If you enjoyed that song you’ll love the next one."

"Oh?" said Paris, raising a quizzical eyebrow as the song began-----

Walk tall…

Walk straight and look the world right in the eye.

That’s what my mama………….

Suddenly Paris attention to the song was cut off by the bleeping warning lights and computer graphics that showed something huge approaching their shuttle extremely fast.

"What the hell is that?" Paris exclaimed sitting bolt upright.

"Computer end music," Janeway ordered, moving to get a better view of the situation.

The star chart on the screen in front of her revealed a massive energy wave spreading out across the solar system at breakneck speed. The chart also displayed Voyager some distance from them clearly caught up in the edge of what ever it was.

"Janeway to Voyager?" Janeway called over the shuttles communications only to get static back. "Voyager can you hear me, what is your status?" Still more static.

"There’s a lot of gamma radiation riding along with this disturbance. It probably knocked our communications out." Paris sounded worried. "We’ve got maybe five minuets before it hits us. I suggest we shut down anything nonessential and hang on, because we are in for the ride of our lives."

"Have you ever been on a roller coaster?" Janeway asked Paris whilst she disconnected her console.

"Only on a holodeck," replied Paris.

"Same here, I figure this is going to be a lot worse and without the safety’s."

"Oh for a seatbelt right now?" Joked Paris.

"How about an evac suit?"

"Good idea."

Janeway and Paris took one last look at the energy wave then retreated to the rear lockers. The suits were clumsy and hot but would provide them with much needed life support if the shuttle's integrity should fail.


Chakotay had only minutes warning of the energy shock wave’s approach before it hit. When it did Voyager was literally lifted up by the force and tossed across space. Almost immediately her systems began to fail under the impact of the barrage. Belanna watched from the floor of engineering as the warp core went off line and alarm bells started out pacing the flashing lights. She didn’t need to see the readouts on her console to know that all around Voyager EPS power relays were overloading and shutting down, or that with them vital connections to things like life support, communications and main computer access were being severed.

Torres tried to rise from the floor but the G forces held her and the rest of her engineering crew fast, leaving them powerless. Even when Voyagers shields began to fail and structural damage alarms commenced she could do nothing but join in the mumbled preys of her friends and wait for things to come to an end.

Seven of Nine also waited, she waited 2 minuets and 35 seconds from the time Voyager came to rest to the moment her emergency back up systems kicked into life. In that time she heard voices calling out in pain, smelt the smoke from several fires and felt the warmth of Harry Kim’s touch on her arm as he helped her to stand.

"Are you ok?" Kim asked, watched while she nodded affirmatively then moved on to the next fallen body.

Up and down Voyagers corridors emergency bulkhead lights that weren’t broken blinked on and off, casting their deep yellow glow over the devastation. Dazed crew ‘Starfleet trained’ for incidents like this, rose to their feet and proceeded to their red alert stations even without being ordered. Each would make their Captain proud before the day was out.


"We’re losing structural integrity," Paris informed Janeway. "Thrusters are not responding we’re going down too fast for a controlled landing."

After the shockwave dissipated, Voyagers shuttle had continued to roll along for several kilometres before Paris regained control. By which time she was not only running on emergency batteries but also leaking vital life support. Steering towards the nearest habitable planet that hadn’t been ravaged by the shockwaves Paris was attempting to land the beleaguer craft in one piece.

"I think its time we ‘abandoned’ ship." Janeway announced sombrely. It wasn’t any captain’s favourite order. "I’m rerouting all remaining power to the transporter."

"Is it still functioning?" Paris asked slightly alarmed.

"We’re about to find out," replied Janeway meeting Paris sceptical eyes with her own. "Hang on!"

Captain and Lieutenant watched each other through the visors of their evac suits as slower than normal they dissolved into transporter beams. Paris wouldn’t swear to it but he thought he saw the view port behind Janeway’s head crack and pop just moments before she vanished.

Unmanned the shuttle continued its spiral path to destruction. Once inside the planets atmosphere pieces began to breakaway from the main fuselage, falling on separate trajectories but ultimately smashing into the pliable ground thousands of feet below.

Janeway and Paris became aware of solid ground beneath their feet and simultaneously opened their eye’s to do a quick, ‘am I all here’ check. Before they finished though, something caught their attention, looking up they saw about a hundred feet above them, the burning hulk of Voyagers shuttle careering towards a nearby copse. Wincing inside his helmet Paris watched as on impact with the ground it was engulfed in a ball of flames.

"That’s bound to alert the natives." Said Janeway removing her helmet and taking a deep breath.

Paris did the same then coughed. "Pungent but breathable," he declared after getting a taste of the planets atmosphere.

Janeway ignored him and began to strip off her evac suit. "We need to loose these suits and find a place to hold up."

Nodding in agreement Paris peeled back the fastening on his own suit but his eyes were on Janeway as she shimmied the clumsy material down her hips. "Any settlements will be down river," he commented shaking his head and resuming his own strip tease.

"River?" Janeway questioned looking around before spotting the meandering water 200 yards to the east of their position.

"If we go north into those foot hills we’ll be less likely to run into anyone." Paris continued, indicating the rugged terrain behind Janeway.

"Sounds like a plan," Janeway agreed, bundling her discarded suit under a bush.

Paris copied her, then together they set off, avoiding the stone covered ‘road’ ways in favour of fields, so as not to run into any ‘alerted natives’.

Chakotay sat up and rubbed the back of his head, then cursing from the pain incurred regretted the move.

"Commander you appear to be bleeding." Said Seven of nine from some where behind him.

Chakotay held his hand so he could see it in the dim emergency lights. It was smeared in rapidly cooling deep scarlet. "It’s just a scratch." He announced, dismissing the dizziness he felt upon raising to his feet. "Status report?"

"We are on emergency power, main computer is down, and sensors are off line so to are communications and any means of propulsion." Reported Tuvox in a crisp clear tone. No mean feet considering his right arm was dislocated and hanging at an odd angle from his shoulder.

"That’s the bad news, now give me the good?" Chakotay asked doing a slow turn to take in the damage to the bridge.

"Voyager is still in one piece and Captain Janeway and Mr Paris are still alive." Seven announced out loud.

Stopped in his tracks, Chakotay disregarded his own comfort and spun back around to address Seven. "And you are certain of this because………………?

"We are still here and I can feel Mr Paris mind, if he was dead our link would be completely severed."

"But how do you know the Captains ok?" Harry Kim asked.

"If any harm had befallen the Captain, Mr Paris would be feeling terrible grief, loss or even anger. At the present his state of mind is relaxed."

"He could be unconscious." Tuvox pointed out.

Seven blinked. "You are quite correct, I had not thought of that possibility."

"Stay tuned in." Chakotay ordered Seven. "If anything changes you let me know ASAP."

Seven nodded. "I should go to astrometrics, see if I can adjust the sensors and get a pinpoint on our position or the shuttles."

"Good idea." Agreed Chakotay, "But you will have to use the Jeffries tubes, the turbo lifts are down."

"Of course they are, I rerouted the power to the shields during the shockwave. It shouldn’t take Belanna long to get them back on line."

Seven changed direction and headed for the Jeffries tube access hatch at the back of the bridge. Behind her Chakotay accepted a pressure bandage for his head from Harry Kim then began giving out repair orders. Astrometrics was several floors below but Seven carried a mental map of the tube system in her Borg enhanced memory so finding it would be no problem even in the dark.

The gravity off the moon was less than that of Earths norm enabling Janeway and Paris to make good time. After only an hour they were almost upon the foot hills. Things had been quiet for the best part so when they heard a noise in the undergrowth before them, they automatically stopped and crouched low.

Janeway looked to Paris then with a blink of her eyes and an indication of her head she ordered him to check it out. Paris nodded his understanding of the order then moved forward slowly but still keeping low. Janeway followed three steps behind him.

What Paris saw when he parted the bush’s astonished him. In the clearing beyond was a kangaroo calmly munching a leaf. It glanced up sniffed at Paris then went back to eating.

Noting Paris had halted Janeway came up beside him, she too saw the kangaroo. "Well the zoologist always said they weren’t indigenous to earth. I wonder if there’s a platypus around hear anywhere?"

"I always liked Koala bears best myself." Said Paris smiling.

"Well if there the local inhabitants we shouldn’t be in any danger."

Just then they heard a loud hissing and clicking noise from behind them. Turning around cautiously Janeway and Paris found themselves face to face with the real inhabitants.

Before them, standing seven feet tall clad in brown leather were two bipeds doing there best not to look like snakes. They had long legs, but short arms and only four digits. They also had no necks, only a joint where one should be, so their bodies could bend and two eyes could look forward. A tongue forked and slimy whipped in and out from the slit mouths, quivering and tasting the air. In there stubby hand they held primitive but deadly rifles and they had them pointed at the two Starfleet officers.

"Do you think we should put our hands up?" asked Paris

"Without a weapon between us that would probably be a good idea." Answered Janeway.

"You need a weapon do you?" Said Paris as he and Janeway raised their hands. "Hang on I’ll get you one." Paris took a step closer to the nearest alien. "Hi." He began, "I’m the Cheshire cat and this is Alice."

The alien reacted by waving his rifle around and motioning for Paris to step back again.

Ignoring him Paris continued. "Can you help us, were late for a very important date."

It was possible the universal translator built into his combadge was working only one way and he figured the pun would cause just enough confusion for his plan. And it did, the snakehead started gesticulating wildly at them then made the mistake of glancing back at his mate. That brief moment was all Paris needed.

To Janeway watching it seemed to happen in a flash, one second the alien had the weapon the next Paris had it. A loud bang later and the snakehead lay injured on the floor, yellow ooze seeping out of his shoulder.

The other Snakehead caught in a moment of stunned astonishment reacted to slowly allowing Janeway to leap forward and knock his rifle clear out of his hands and off into the bushes. Janeway would have followed through with a chop to the Jaw but the creature didn’t have one so instead she chose to jump back out of the aliens reach and too Paris side.

Facing the two hideous creatures unarmed and with his comrade lying on the ground hissing in pain. Shegar decided to do a tactical withdrawal and ran off.

"Will he live?" Janeway asked indicating the alien on the ground.

Paris bent down to exam his injuries. "It’s a clean wound the bleedings almost stopped, he’ll be ok." Standing up again Paris held out the weapon to Janeway. "Do you want this now?"

"I think not, we need to go up and climbing with an unfamiliar loaded weapon would be foolish. One slip and I could end up shooting myself or worse."

"You’ve got a point there." Agreed Paris, then stepping away from Janeway he tossed the rifle off into the bush. As the weapon hit the ground the trigger snagged on a branch and the rifle let off another shot. The running alien thinking he was being shot at ran faster but not for long because he soon ran into another group of hunters that had been out that day. Quickly he told them of the alien creatures that had ambushed him and his mate and how using there super strength and super speed they had been disarmed and shot.

The leader of the new group, Kasky, didn’t totally believe Shegar but to be on the safe side he sent two of his six men back to camp for reinforcements, then turning Shegar around, ordered him to show the way. Reluctantly Shegar did.

Janeway and Paris fled, the pungent alien air filling their lungs as they pounded up the foot hills. By the time they reached a position fifty meters up they had a good view of the valley below and their pursers. Four snakeheads had reached the bottom of the hills and were heading straight for them.

"I think we may have lost them." Said Paris, stopping ahead of Janeway and checking back down the mountain.

"Not for long, there slow not daft." Janeway over took Paris by two strides then stopped herself.

"Your right, this is a one track road, better we keep moving." Paris caught up with Janeway but as he went to pass her she grabbed his arm pulling him up.

"No! It’s going to be dark soon." She said. "And we have no idea what’s ahead. It could be a dead end, a steep drop or even a trap."

"What then?" Paris asked, aware that Janeway still had a hold of his arm.

"Over here." Janeway guided Paris to the side of the trail. "These crevices in the mountain, some are tall enough to accommodate our height. I suspect they go back quiet a way also."

Paris peered into the entrance way of the nearest. The ‘crevices’ Janeway had pointed out were fissures in the rock, probably created by an earthquake. The light didn’t penetrate very far but far enough for Paris to know he didn’t like the idea one dam bit. "Maybe we could…."

"Tom!" Janeway hissed in Paris ear, bringing him back to attention, "We don’t have time to debate this."

Paris took a deep breath, slipping his hand over Janeway’s where it still gripped his arm. He suspected she knew he wasn’t in favour of the ‘crack’ plan and was holding onto him least he bolted for it. Squeezing her hand gently Paris nodded. "Ok, but if we get trapped, eaten or squished, I’m holding you responsible."

"Deal, now lets go." Said Janeway, tugging the reluctant Paris behind her down into the crevice.

He wasn’t fooling her she knew he didn’t like enclosed spaces and that his levity was just a cover up, but they really didn’t have a choice. With the sun setting behind the mountain only the minimum amount of light invaded the fissures and they were soon in total darkness. Slowing down but conscious of the sound of foot steps and voices catching up on there position, Janeway forged ahead until the entrance was just a thin vertical crack of light.

The space was narrow and the rock cold so when they at last stopped Janeway and Paris had to wedge themselves in together facing each other. This allowed for very little space between them but maximum comfort and warmth.

Placing one hand on the wall behind Janeway’s head and the other on her shoulder, Paris inhaled sharply and glanced back at the narrow entrance. Shadows played across it and alien sounds echoed close by signalling the arrival of snakeheads outside.

Janeway held her own breath expecting at any moment to be discovered, but instead she heard the sound of gun fire and the ping-ping of a projectile bouncing off the curved walls before whizzing past her left ear and imbedding its self into the soft chalk beside her head. Terrified she stifled her scream against Paris shoulder and waited for the second shot that thankfully never came. She suspected the sudden raised voices outside had something to do with it but without a translation she could only guess. Maybe the mountain wasn’t sound and the shots could set off a landslide or maybe they didn’t want to risk killing them or it could have been simply a lack of ammunition or……..Janeway realized she was trembling except the source was Paris.

His breathing was ragged and his jaw was set firm. She also became aware of his leg between hers and the heat building up where his anatomy rested along her inner thigh. Her first thought was to move but Paris weight was against her in such a way that she couldn’t. The only thing free was her left arm which she slipped behind Paris head to begin a slow finger tipped massage of the tense muscles at the nape of his neck.

When the snakeheads bullet ripped into the wall beside Janeway’s head, Paris automatically moved his body closer and tighter around hers. His first thought being her protection, his second and the most overwhelming was the fact that they were now trapped. In an effort to resist the urge in the pit of his stomach to flee Paris tried to concentrate on something else. That something just happened to be the softness of Janeway’s hair against his cheek and the firmness of her breast against his chest. This unfortunately led to a rise in temperature and size of the flesh nestled between the apex of Janeway’s legs, yet just as he was thinking that he should move, Paris felt a cool hand glide around the back of his neck.

The gentle manipulation worked and he relaxed, but the feelings in his loins didn’t subside and he wondered if she was conscious of the fact.

An increase in the chaos outside jolted Janeway’s attention away from Paris, it seemed that they were angry about something. Probably at losing them but she still feared that they had been discovered and the noise was just the snakeheads deciding how best to get them out. Either way there was nothing they could do but wait.


Seven had, had no successes with astrometrics in locating the missing shuttle but she had found the course of the shockwave and how much damage it had wrought.

"The initial explosion occurred two days ago in the Hiron system." Seven informed Chakotay and the others gathered around the briefing room table.

"I remember them, very secretive bunch, wouldn’t let us land for supplies."

"I think we can probably guess why now." Harry Kim said.

"The shock wave." Continued Seven, "Devastated nine solar systems before dissipating, including the Kolarians."

"We only passed them yesterday."

"What of the planets along the shuttles path?" Chakotay asked.

"The captain was heading for a sparse region of space, with only three habitable planets and moons. None of them received blast damage but over time the radiation fallout will affect their ego system."

"Any chance the captain’s shuttle landed on one of those planets?" Asked Kim.

"Every chance but with Voyagers systems either down from the shockwave or effected by the radiation we are going to have to get a lot closer to them before we can even begin scanning.

"Well the warp drive is going to take at least another twelve hours." Belanna chipped in.

"Impulse?" Chakotay asked hopefully.

"Negative." Bounced back the half Klingon. "All power reserves including the impulse drive are being used to back up life support and communications. This ship is in serious need of a dry dock."

"Seven any chance you and Harry could reduce the drain on our reserves, allowing Belanna to reactivate Impulse? I don’t like being dead in the water like this, especially with missing crew."

"I’ve got crews replacing eps relays and burnt out circuits on every deck but we are fast running out of supplies and the replicator's are still acting up.

"That’s the residual electromagnetic charge." Chakotay rubbed his tattoo for inspiration. "Ok general order 12 it will have to be. All decks pertaining to crew quarters will be shut down and disconnected from life support. All non-essential systems are to be taken off line; all crew will restrict movement to the minimum to conserve oxygen and cold weather gear to be issued along with a decrease in the temperature to conserve power. Hopefully that will be enough. Dismissed"

Everyone left except Seven.

"I may be able to determine the location and condition of the Captain and Mr Paris using the connection we have."

"How you are barely linked now?"

"If I had access to a medical tricorder and some other equipment I could boost my implant to tune into Paris more effectively, maybe even establish communication."



"Do you know how that would affect Tom or yourself?"

"Physically or mentally?"


"I can not say at this time but the risk to either of us would probably be negligible."

"Come back when you can remove ‘Probably’ and ‘Negligible’ from that sentence, until then you are dismissed."

Chakotay rose from his seat and gave Seven one of his I’m not going to argue this looks. Seven knowing she couldn’t argue the commander around her little finger like she could the Captain turned on her heals and left. Somehow Chakotay knew this wouldn’t be the last he would here from Seven on the subject but he also knew what the link had done to Paris and he wasn’t ready to put his friend through that again, not yet, not while they had other options.


Time passed excruciatingly slowly and half an hour later, although they had ceased their racket the aliens were still ensconced outside Janeway and Paris hiding place. They appeared to be waiting for something, reinforcements or nightfall they weren’t sure but the later was fast approaching, along with a drop in the temperature.

Despite Paris body heat radiating the length of her torso Janeway shivered. The uncontrollable motion disturbed Paris and conscious of the height difference between them and how firm he had become, he swapped the weight on his feet.

Janeway still had her head buried in his shoulder but the movement of his knee and the firmness burning against her thigh caused her to elicit a gasp and angle her face upwards.

Paris found his lips so close to hers he could have kissed her without any effort but it wouldn’t have been right. Not here, not when she couldn’t react honestly out of fear of alerting their captors. So being the gentleman he drew back.

Janeway shivered again as Paris broke contact her, a shiver that vibrated through the heart of the pleasure zone building within her. Paris too felt the vibrations and responded by moving back in close. In the brief time they had been separated her body had cooled dramatically causing him to regret acting so timidly. It wasn’t as if very much could happen, trapped as they were.

(Trapped!) Toms mind closed in and a prang of panic flipped his stomach.

Another twenty minuets passed and so did the light marking the exit to the two Starfleet officers bolt hold. With the drawing of the night things had also gone deathly quiet outside. Paris hadn’t heard a voice or foot step for sometime and he was beginning to get itchy feet. As much as he enjoyed being so close to Janeway, he wasn’t enjoying the fear and terror he felt over being confined. He wanted to leave and he didn’t particularly care if he ran onto a herd of snakeheads on his way.

Locating Janeway’s ear he lowered his voice to a barely audible whisper. "I think there gone; I’m going to take a look."

"No!" Janeway hissed back.

"I need out! This is doing my head in."

"I know Tom, but I don’t think its safe yet, what ever they were waiting for hasn’t occurred."

"Right now I don’t give a damn." Paris made to move and Janeway had to use all her strength to hold him back.

"Tom please." she begged "I know this is hard for you. (In more ways than one) But you have to hold on a little while longer."

"I’m sorry Kathryn I can’t help the way I feel."

Just then radio static echoed down the crack and foot steps crunched on the stones followed by raised voices and a distance howl of a beast.

Janeway couldn’t see Paris face but she knew he was starting to freak out and if she didn’t do something soon he would loose it completely, overpower her and put them both in danger. It was with this thought in mind that she acted as she did next. Repositioning herself, Janeway reached up behind Paris and pulled him down so that her lips touched his.

At first Paris wasn’t sure how to react but as Janeway’s other hand traced the curves of his hip and her tongue parted his lips he relaxed into the embrace. Entwining his tongue around Kathryn’s he retuned the kiss eagerly.

When Kathryn felt Tom’s torso relax against hers she knew her ploy had worked but something else was working too. Toms kiss was full of passion and she found herself; melting beneath his administration. She also found the pulsating rod pressing against her thigh grow even more prominent and she was overwhelmed by the electric surge of lust that passed through her body.

Tom felt Kathryn shudder with pleasure as he nudged the source closer. He was enjoying this and under different circumstances he would have attempted to take things further. Consequently when Kathryn wrenched her lips away from his, Paris couldn’t help but moan softly.

"I take it that helped." Janeway said, her hot breath caressing his ear.

Paris had been fully aware of why Janeway had kissed him but he was also aware of the response she’d had when he’d kissed her back. "If I said no, would you kiss me again?"

"No but I might just raise my knee sharply into your groin."

Paris took a deep breath in then exhaled slowly. "Don’t tease Kathryn you know how I feel."

Janeway moved her hand so she could caress Paris cheek; it was still relatively smooth from his morning shave. "Tom this is neither the time nor place but yes I do know and believe me when I tell you I’d like to explore those feelings."

"Then don’t push me away." Paris whispered back, before seeking Kathryn’s sensual mouth in the dark.

Janeway didn’t push him away instead she allowed him to vent his pent up frustrations on her lips.

Outside a dog like beast barked and howled making them jump apart and freeze while they listened to the melee.

"If we get out of this," Paris said undercover of the noise. "I want to make love to you."

"Now who’s teasing who?" Janeway quipped a little fearful of the passion in Paris voice.

Paris response was lost as the noise outside gathered pace then began to move away. "I think there leaving," He whispered excitedly in Kathryn’s ear, dropping the subject at hand and getting back to business.

It was night now out side and the crevices entrance was indiscernible to the naked eye. Janeway felt Paris body tense beneath her hands, he was preparing to make a dash for it, and this time she didn’t think a kiss would be enough to stop him.

"We’ll give then fifteen minuets, if we hear nothing after that, you can check if the coasts clear. Ok!"

"Ok!" Paris agreed his head cocked to the sounds fading beyond the narrow entrance that he could no longer observe. His captains sexual distractions had been so good he’d forgotten for a short while to be afraid but now as his focus was drawn back to their possible escape, his heart began racing again.


One quarter of an hour later on the dot, Janeway whispered "It’s time."

Paris almost stumbled in his haste to leave, only the narrowness of the crack and a steadying hand from his captain kept him upright. The exit wasn’t as difficult to find as they thought it would be, once they got closer to it they could make out a full moon and stars shining in the clear sky. Out side the moonlight bounced off the white Mountain rock affording them a good view of the immediate area. The snake heads had indeed left but listening carefully at the entrance way they could still hear faint voices and the occasional radio squawk.

"Do you think they have given up?" Paris asked.

"Your guess is as good as mine." Janeway replied then gave Tom a silent order to proceed.

Slipping out of the cracks shadow, he darted for the cover of nearby bushes. Janeway was about to follow him when the sound of footsteps halted her. A little way up the hills incline a snakehead appeared from behind an outcropping and began milling around. After a few seconds the sound of splashing water rang out clear in the quiet of the night air. Comprehending what was going on Janeway stayed put and held her breath.

The beasts howled, barked and strained on their leash’s, something new was in the air and it was back down the hill in the opposite direction they were being dragged.

Janeway heard the animals, fortunately so did the alien, turning back to go up the path and calling out he gave her the chance she needed. Signalling to Paris to make a break for it Janeway left the cover of the fissure and ran like hell. Her foot falls crunched loud on the loose stones as she flew across the open area into the scrub but it was unavoidable speed now was of the essence not stealth.

A head of her Paris half slid, half ran down the forested slope. Here the moonlight didn’t penetrate so deep but their progress was anything but quiet and the snakeheads alerted soon resumed the pursuit.

Branches and sharp thorns from the course shrubs snagged and ripped at Janeway’s uniform as she barrelled her way down the hillside, in front of her Paris faired no better. He had been a good twelve feet in front of her but now she was catching up mostly due to the fact that he kept stopping to check if she was ok.

Once turned around the snakehead’s beasts yanked and pulled until they had the sent of their quarry. The aliens on the other hand mingled disorientated in the trees shouting instructions to each other but this worked to Janeway and Paris advantage, giving them a much needed head start.

At the bottom of the foothills the trees played out and the Starfleet officers found themselves in a chest high crop field. Paris couldn’t find a path through in the dark so he made one of his own by stomping and pushing the plants aside. Janeway now having caught up with him followed on his heels, a wise decision as it turned out. The plants were quite robust and seemed to close up again behind them, covering their route. Nether the less they could hear the hiss’s, howls and shouts getting closer.

Leaping a stone wall at the end of the field Janeway and Paris stopped briefly to catch their breath and snatch a glance backwards. It was too dark to see much even with the moonlight but torch beams dancing frantically 300 yards back across the field indicated their pursuers hadn’t given up.

"Remember that river?" Paris asked.

"Yes!" Gasped Janeway.

"I think it’s this way." Paris took Janeway’s hand and tugged her along the length of the stone wall which ran horizontal to the crop field.

Half a mile later they were still running in line with the wall and were still being chased but Paris had been right about the river, they could hear it crashing between rocks some where ahead of them. Spurred on Janeway leapt another wall behind Paris but as she landed her foot disappeared under her and she went down. The pain in her ankle as it twisted in the wrong direction burned into every nerve ending and she cried out in agony.

"Kathryn?" Paris called, doubling back without hesitation.

"It’s my ankle." She replied, ignoring his familiarity for the second time.

"Can you stand?" Paris was all too aware that they hadn’t made much ground on the hunters and precious time was wasting.

"Yes! Ow! But I can’t run anymore."

"Then I guess we’ll have to hide again." Paris began to scan the area for a suitable place.

"No!" Said Janeway. "If we both stop so will the snakeheads hounds then we’ll be captured for certain."

Paris swung his eye back to Janeway’s. "I’m not going to leave you."

"You have too; you have to run a diversion."


"Tom don’t be stupid." Now it was her turn to use his first name. "There’s a barn about 200 yards that way, see just at the back those trees. If I move low behind the wall out of site I think I can make it. I’ll stay there until dawn. If you’re not back by then…"

"…...If I’m not back by then it’s because I’m either captured or dead." Finished Paris.

"Tom don’t!" Janeway reached out to Paris in the dark her hand trembling as it touched his cheek.

Paris covered her hand with his, holding it steady. "Don’t worry I’m coming back for you." Planting his lips firmly over Janeway’s he kissed her then was gone.

Hugging the shadow of the wall Kathryn waited for the hunters to pass, it was cold and she shivered. The imprints of Tom’s lips were still on hers and his promise still echoed in her ears. ‘I’m coming back for you’.

The beasts didn’t even slow down when they detected the sent change, their brains were not organized enough to understand it meant the loss of a quarry, so they carried on running into the night. Happy to be chasing something, anything, free from the restraints of their leashes. The snakeheads trusting in their animals blindly followed.

Kathryn waited until she was sure all the snakeheads had passed, then moved slowly and painfully along the wall. She couldn’t miss the barn it was quite large and half jutted out from behind a small copse of trees. Hugging the dark side she felt her way along listening for sounds of voices or occupation from within. She heard none. In front of the barns double doors was a cobbled courtyard leading onto a dirt track that disappeared into the darkness. Kathryn hobbled up to the sliding doors and tested them, she was in luck they were unlocked; there would be no need to break in or scramble through a window. Opening the door just wide enough to slip inside she entered then closed it again behind her.

She expected to find herself in the dark but to her surprise a glass bulb suspended from the rafters above dimly lit the inside. Most of the barn was empty; tucked in a corner to her right a small generator putt-putted away providing the power source for the light and to her left there was a row of empty stalls. Looking for somewhere she could hide until the morning Janeway noticed the back of the barn had a second level, accessed via a wooden ladder. Her ankle throbbed in protest but apart from the stalls the only other area was the rear and that was filled with various farming equipment and didn’t look safe under any circumstances.

Just then she heard a noise, it sounded like a horse drawn cart and it was getting closer. The decision had been made for her and Kathryn limped as fast as she could towards the ladder. Teeth clenched she placed her injured foot onto the bottom rung and hauled herself up. She judged the ladder to be about twelve feet but before she reached six the fire in her ankle betrayed her and she slipped back down a foot. Then through the mist of pain Kathryn heard voices at the door and was spurred on, climbing the top rung she rolled onto the upper floor just as the barn door was pushed back and two aliens entered.

They talked in loud voices over the sound of the rickety cart one pulled and the braying noises of the animals lead by the other. Part of her wished she could understand what they were saying as she watched them bed the animals down for the night; the other part of her wished they would hurry up and leave so she could scream. But they didn’t leave, instead one of them started to ascend the ladder to Kathryn’s hiding place.

Paris found the river the hard way; by falling into it. The open field just disappeared from under his feet leaving him hanging in mid air monetarily before dropping a meter into deep freezing water. Resurfacing he gasped out loud as the icy liquid sapped every ounce of heat from his body. The water flowed rapidly and Paris was soon swept away from his pursuers but also from Kathryn.

When the snakeheads heard the splash they charged forward but no quarry was in sight. The beasts had reached the waters edge first and now barked madly, sniffing confused at he ground as their masters flashed lights up, down and across the river. Voices exchanged ideas and curses then moved away. Following the flow of the water.

Paris seeking some kind of refuge grabbed at the tree roots dangling over the riverbanks edge. Clinging to the rough tubers and squirming into the muddy embankment for cover he waited frozen with fear as well as the cold, while the snakeheads searched, failed to find him, then moved on.

Terrified he would be dragged by the current too far down stream he hung on for a while longer then tried to climb out but his hands and feet were numb and he slipped back into the water. He’d have to try further up stream if his feet and the current would let him. This though would take time and he desperately wanted to get back to Kathryn.


Kathryn had been spying over the edge of the barns second floor but now with the snakehead approaching fast she carefully shifted backwards out of sight.

The top level was occupied by bails of feed not unlike straw, most of which was stacked neatly but one area was taken up by a mound of loose stuff. Kathryn prayed it was enough to hide her as she quietly slid beneath, pulling as much as possible over herself as she went. She was only just in time, the snakehead unhindered by any injury made good speed up the ladder and was soon stamping across the wooden floor towards her. Kathryn held her breath and froze. She couldn’t see the snakehead as first from her position face down but she could hear him shifting around and grunting.

Carefully turning her head so as not to disturb the ‘straw’ Kathryn peered though the loose strands with one eye and watched as the shadowy figure picked up a crude four pronged pitch fork and began to lift and toss the feed she was concealed under down to the animal below.


Terrified Kathryn could do nothing but hope he'd stop before revealing her prone body. As he worked the snakehead conversed with his buddy still below. Five, six, Kathryn counted the forkfuls of feed; he was getting closer, too close.

She tensed ready to leap up and flee as the fork brushed her leg, but then something happened. The alien below called out aloud and the one above stopped working. He stopped raised the fork in the air then brought it down sharply. ‘Kerrang’ straight through her hand and into the wooden floor.

Kathryn bit her lower lip and tried not to think about the pain radiating from her right hand. Her mind befuddled she listened as the alien climbed back down the ladder, turned out the light, closed the barn door and walked away into the night, laughing and talking with its chum as he went.

Spasms of pain rolled over Kathryn as she flexed her fingers and felt the mental grate against the fine bones of her hand. She also felt the warmth of her blood ooze out and then quickly cool into a sticky puddle. It was at this point Janeway realized that not only was she pinned down but that she was loosing consciousness.


It took Paris sometime to get out of the river and make his way back to Kathryn’s bolt hold. The night had hung as heavy as the air around him and the sounds of the nocturnal creatures had hidden those of possible snakehead danger, making every step he took a cautious one and every break from cover a chance. So it was with some relief that he finally slipped into the darkened barn and closed the door behind him.

Taking a moment, leaning back against the wood, Paris let his eyes and ears adjust to the buildings interior. Moonlight seeped through gaps in the slatted wooden walls allowing him to make out the contents quite clearly and his ears picked up the shuffling of animals in the shadowy stalls, but there was no sight or sound of Janeway.

"Captain?" Paris called softly while making his way through the barn. Carefully checking each stall before moving on to the cluttered rear. "Kathryn?" He called again a little louder, not wanting to raise his voice too much in fear of spooking the beasts and alerting their owners. Still no response came back and Paris began to fear Janeway had been caught, then somewhere between panic and formulating a rescue plan, he felt something wet drip onto his face.

Wiping his cheek he was surprised to find that his fingers came back sticky. Holding his hand up to a shaft of light Paris saw it was stained red then gasped aloud as another crimson droplet plopped onto his palm. "Blood! Oh god no!"

Paris whirled around and in the faint light found the ladder that lead to the second floor. Taking two rungs at a time he cursed his stupidity at not finding it sooner, while trying to block out visions of what he might find as he rolled out onto the top deck. The illumination was better due to the moonlight cascading through the half open feed doors at one end, but still Paris didn’t find her until she began moving and moaning in pain beneath the pile of loose straw.

"Kathryn?" Paris called while gently clearing the straw off her. Paying particular attention not to disturb the farm tool imbedded in the back of her hand.

"To-----m." Janeway managed to say, her head was throbbing and she didn’t dare move.

Paris brushed hair and straw from Kathryn’s face then leaned in close so she could see him. "Are you hurt anywhere else?"

Kathryn had to think for a moment, she didn’t remember getting injured anywhere else but there was so much blood and everything hurt if she tried to move. "No…no." She eventually croaked through dry lips.

Paris knew there was only one way to remove the fork and it wasn’t going to be pretty. "I’m sorry." He whispered.

"What for?" Kathryn just managed to ask before Paris clamped a hand tight over her mouth.

With one eye she watched as in the same time frame he used his knee to hold her arm steady while with the other hand he yanked the fork out of the wooden floor and out of her.

Paris hand had silenced Kathryn’s scream but not her pain. Fear and agony passed across her eyes as they briefly snapped open wider, glistened in the moonlight then fluttered closed again as she passed out.


By the time Kathryn regained consciousness she was sitting on a make shift bed, propped against bails of hay, with her injured hand bandaged in what looked like her shirt sleeve.

Shivering she pulled the rough animal blanket covering her closer and looked around for Tom. She found him standing with his back to her, silhouetted against the open barn access hatch. He appeared to be naked except for a blanket fastened around his waist.

"Tom." Kathryn tried to call but her voice sounded so raspy she wasn’t sure if she had made herself heard until he turned and approached her.

"You’re awake, good." He said kneeling beside her, his bear chest now visible.

"What …..Where is your uniform?" Kathryn asked, trying to smile.

"Drying I hope." Quipped Tom, pulling another blanket around his shoulders. "I had to use the river as a means to elude the snakeheads and their beasts."

Kathryn nodded her understanding then regretting it as a wave of nausea washed over her.

"Here drink this."

Tom handed her what looked like a cantina, the lid was off and with his help she took a generous sip. The liquid was fruity and strong, to Kathryn it tasted like an over sweetened red wine.

"What’s that?" She asked somewhat suspiciously.

"I’m not totally sure." Tom admitted. "I found it down below while scavenging for supplies. I think its snakehead moonshine."

"Moonshine?" Kathryn raised one eyebrow imitating Tuvox. "Mr Paris are you trying to get me drunk?"

"No, but if you drink enough the pain in your hand my dissipate some."

Kathryn took another sip of the liquid then coughed. Shed tasted worse and her hand didn’t seem to throb quite so much anymore. "How is my hand?"

"Not broken from what I can tell." Tom explained. "The forks prongs spaced the bones apart as it went in. There could be some tendon damage though but nothing the doctor can’t fix when we get back to Voyager."

Kathryn noted Tom had said ‘When’ not ‘if’.

"I’m more worried about infection." Tom continued, "That fork had enough bacteria on it to terra form a small…...AH!"

Tom felt every muscle in his body spasm, while somewhere across the back of his mind a picture of seven in sickbay danced, sending small eclectic jolts through his nerves.


Finding a quiet corner of sickbay, Seven extracted two probes from her right hand and connected herself to the medical tricorder she had pocketed on the way in. Then in a trance like state, she tapped into the diagnostics of the medical scanner and used them to evaluate the receivers and transceivers in her Borg neural net work that allowed her to connect with Tom’s mind.

Once she was certain the link was still sound Seven extracted a single larger probe from between the knuckles of her left hand and inserted it into the medical bays main computer.

First she needed to access the information stored on Toms nanites then she had to reroute herself to the communications grid. She could have done the second part from any computer but she felt safer doing it through med bay with the doctor on hand just in case.

Initially Seven was unsuccessful but then a flash of imagery not of her own crossed her minds eye and she realized that for a single second she was linked with Tom. Not just his thoughts but also his vision. She saw what he saw and visa versa.

The problem was how to sustain the link and how to use it to find them.

"Tom………….Tom are you ok?"

Paris heard Janeway’s frantic voice calling his name and realizing his eyes were shut tight, tried to remember how to open them. When he did, he found the darkness confusing. Blinking the now blurred image away he took in Janeway’s concerned face and the hand gripping his upper arm.

"I’m ok." He blurted out not very convincingly. "But you know when you get a shiver for no reason at all and people say its because some one just walked over your grave?"


"Well Seven of Nine just jumped up and down on mine."

Kathryn now looked more puzzled than concerned forcing Tom to explain himself further.

"I just got a flash picture in my head of Seven in sickbay with the doctor and a room full of injured crew behind her."

"Injured? Who?" Kathryn probed.

"I can’t make out ……..I think…… the image is fading." Paris took the canteen from Janeway and swallowed two mouthfuls.

"At least their still in one piece." Kathryn commented, noting how much Tom was drinking and wondering how much he had already drunk. "But how can Seven transmit to you? The doctor told me your link was nearly severed."

"Seven must have done something." Tom rubbed his head. "I couldn’t hear, just a picture, like a photograph no movement."

"Do you think Seven got an assessment of our situation at the same time?"

"I hope so!" Tom took another drink then shivered and not just from the cold night air. After months of guarding his thoughts, he had hoped he was free again from Seven, but now she had returned and it appeared she was able to tune him in and out when ever she wanted.

Kathryn who was still clinging onto Toms arm felt his shiver and the vibration as it passed through her own body. "You’re freezing."

"I’m ok." Paris lied, tugging the blanket tight around his shoulders. "These animal blankets aren’t much but they will suffice."

"If my hand is infected I’ll soon have enough body heat for the both of us." Kathryn wriggled over to make room for him in the straw bed. "I would suggest you move a little closer and take advantage."

Tom caught the double meaning in her words and remembered his promise to her in the cave. He wasn’t sure if she had heard him at the time, Now? Maybe?

As Tom hesitated Kathryn slid her body down under the blankets, she looked so beautiful in the moonlight. It didn’t matter to him that her hair was tangled around her face or that her eyes were puffy from the pain. Tom didn’t even care that she smelt of animal feed or that dried blood had encrusted on her uniform, to him she was beautiful.


Realizing he was staring Tom cast his eyes downwards. "You know if I lie down next to you I may not be responsible for my actions."

"Then I’ll just have to be responsible for both of us." Kathryn lifted the covers, reached out and pulled Tom down."

Taking great care not to knock her injured hand, he allowed her to manoeuvre him under the blankets. She may have been fully clothed but he wasn’t and things that had been restrained earlier were now free to grow. A change of subject was needed.

"How is the pain?"

"Your elixir seems to be working even my ankle has stopped throbbing."

"This is all my fault." Tom berated himself.

"Oh and on what grounds do you base that deduction?"

"If I hadn’t freaked out in the crack, sorry, cave we would probably be safe now, long gone from here."

Kathryn nodded her head as she listened intently to his guilt trip. "The decision to leave was mine, as was the idea to split up after I had twisted my ankle. So if there’s any blame to be grabbed its mine."

"Chakotay won’t see it that way."

"Chakotay will see it anyway I tell him too."

"You don’t have to cover up for me; I messed up again pure and simple"

"Tom stop it!" Kathryn placed her good hand over his on top of the covers. It was like ice and he tried to pull it away but a little applied pressure stopped him. "I don’t understand something Tom, there’s no mention in your Starfleet records about you being claustrophobic."

"There wouldn’t be, my father kept it out. He knew there was no way I’d make an officer with something like that on my file and anyway my claustrophobia is partly his fault."

"Care to elaborate?" Kathryn asked, curious as to what could have happened to the young Tom Paris to give him such a phobia.

"Sure why not." Said Tom his hand still trapped under Kathryn’s "This is defiantly one story he would never have told you." Paris wiggled a little closer to the warmth of her body then began his tail.

"I must have been about four, my dad was home on one of his few leaves, I’d gone into the kitchen for something and found his phaser on the table. I was a young boy and couldn’t resist taking it to play Captain Proton. Everything was fine until my dog jumped on to me causing the phaser to go off. I remember it making a perfect round, smoking hole in the garage door. Terrified as to what my father would do I dropped the phaser on the drive and legged it."

"You’re lucky you didn’t shoot yourself or someone else." Said Kathryn, interrupting Tom’s flow and chiding the lieutenant at the same time, all be it for something he did as a child.

"I know but I was only four remember, maybe even three and a half."

"Ok." Kathryn said letting him off the hook. "So you ran off, what happened next?"

"My neighbour's garage was open so I ran in looking for somewhere to hide. Seeing an open trunk, I climbed inside and pulled the lid down. As it slammed shut it locked and there was no catch on the interior. Consequently, I found myself trapped in the dark, inside a soundproof box, barely large enough for me curled up. By this time, my parents had come out of the house, found the hole and phaser and had gone in search of me. But I was too scared to want to be found.

After a while, it couldn’t have been long, the box was quite small, I started to feel hot and cramped it also became difficult to breath. Unbeknown to me the box was airtight as well and I was running out. Panicking I screamed and kicked at the box lid, but everyone was in the street and making too much noise calling out my name too hear my faint cries."

"So how did you get out?" Kathryn asked, taking advantage of Toms pause in the story and an opportunity to slide closer to him.

Aware of how close she was and where her body touched his, Tom kept very still and continued his tail. "My dog saved me, she knew something was up, followed my scent to the box sat down and started barking so loud my dad came back to shut her up. That’s when he saw the box move, putting two and two together he released the catch and I leaped out like a jack in the box, straight into his arms. When he realised what a close call I’d, had, he hugged me so tight it was like being back in the box." Tom’s heart ached at the memory of his fathers love and he sighed deeply, a motion that was not lost on Kathryn for she squeezed his hand gently. "That night he came to my room and swore me to secrecy over the matter. I wasn’t ever to tell anyone what I had done. Well at least not anyone in the Alpha quadrant."

"Because if you had told, he would have been in serious trouble for leaving his Starfleet phaser where his four year old son could find it." Kathryn added.

"And because he was embarrassed by the whole incident." Twisting his hips Tom moved into a more comfortable position along side Kathryn’s body. "The thing is ever since I’ve had a subconscious fear of small dark places, especially stasis chambers."

"Which is probably why you’re able to get out of one, even unconscious?"


Kathryn took another swig of the canteen; she was beginning to like it, maybe a little too much. "But how did you cope in prison for all those months?"

"I didn’t. When you came to ask for my help I was in an open prison remember. Not the usual Starfleet penitentiary for a Marquee terrorist."

"I didn’t realise." Kathryn said apologetically. "But again there was nothing in your files?"

"My fathers doing probably." Tom extradited his hand from beneath Kathryn’s then realising he had no where to place it he put it back on top of hers where it still rested above the blankets. "I suspect more to save his own reputation than mine."

"Tom! No! Your wrong." Kathryn protested but even as she spoke she knew it fell on deaf ears. The relationship between Owen Paris and his son was a minefield and this was the wrong time to attempt a crossing. "I’m sorry Tom, if I had known you were so claustrophobic I wouldn’t have dragged you into that cave in the first place or……."

The remainder of Kathryn’s words were lost as Toms lips descended upon hers and engaged them in a full-blown kiss. Pulling away as soon as she could Kathryn placed her good hand between them to hold him back but her fingers immediately became laced in his chest hairs and she remembered he was naked but for the blankets.

"We need to talk."

"No we don’t" Tom responded, removing Kathryn’s hand and guiding his mouth again to hers. This time she kept contact softly moulding her lips to his, drawing the kiss out and savouring the touch. Yet as the kiss ended she stilled pulled away again. "I’m your captain." She gasped while trying to think of another good reason for them to stop.

"Not in the dark your not. In the dark you’re a lonely beautiful women who longs for a little comfort before the harsh light of day." Tom planted a kiss on Kathryn’s forehead then delicately across her eye before tracing more down her cheek and neck, stopping only at the cloth of her uniform.

"You make it sound so romantic."

"Another talent of mine, in high school I won an award for my poetry." Tom raised his lips back to Kathryn’s and touched them tenderly against hers.

"You poetry?" Kathryn chuckled.

"In the darkness, I can not see your face. But I’m not blind to the memories of your sparkling eyes or the curl of your lips as they form a smile. In the darkness I can still feel your heart beat and the curves of your body as my fingers downwards trace." As he spoke Tom moved his hand to gently cup Kathryn’s breast.

Kathryn reacted by taking in a sharp breath and moving her hand between them again. But once more she came into contact with the flesh of Tom’s chest and her resolve wavered. "In the morning…….." She began.

"Shhh! In the morning I will be your officer again, tonight I am your lover." Tom eased Kathryn’s body down beneath his, then moving her injured hand out of harms way returned his mouth to hers. The suddenness of his passion caught Kathryn off guard leaving her little time to protest as his tongue opened her swollen lips and his hands roamed over her uniform fastenings.

While this was all happening, she couldn’t help thinking that perhaps they had both had too much to drink or maybe even not enough the speed things were progressing.

It took Tom only moments to tug the zip of her tunic down and the cloth of her undershirt up. The flimsy garment below was also soon removed allowing him access to the swell of her heaving breasts. Once free, he moved his hands over the soft buds teasing them into hard peeks, making Kathryn undulate with desire. His own desire was starting to dance by now building up the heat between them. There was just one obstacle left but no sooner had he hooked his fingers in Kathryn’s waist band than she stopped his progress once more.

"Whoa there big boy!" She ordered, casting her eyes downwards in the weak light to where his hard pulsating flesh nestled against the top of her inner thigh.

"What about Seven?"

"Seven of Nine knows how I feel about you. If she’s eaves dropping this will come as no surprise."

"And what are your feelings for me?" Kathryn asked, idly stroking her fingertips through Tom’s chest hairs.

"I would think that was obvious." Paris replied. Shifting his weight so that the full strength of his manhood pressed against the opening of Kathryn’s legs. "The real question here is how do you feel about me?"

Kathryn licked her suddenly dry lips before answering. "At the academy I was taught not to get involved with my crew least it should compromise my position of power."

"I see." Said Tom disappointedly.

"No you don’t, Its because of those Starfleet regulations that I’ve been fighting my feelings for you and others for the last three years and I’m tired of it. Make love to me Tom, make me feel like a women again." Kathryn slipped her hand behind Toms head and pulled him down into a long slow kiss.

Pulling away slightly at the end Tom asked. "Is that an order?"

"Yes!" Kathryn panted before returning her lips to his and wrapping her legs around his muscular body.

Tom woke early the sun hadn’t yet risen but he could feel it wouldn’t be long. Kathryn was lying with her back to him making it possible to ease his body away from her curves without disturbing her. Thus his escape made, Paris dressed, slipped down the ladder, crossed the dark barn floor and inched his way out of the door.

He could see a plume of smoke rising above the nearby ridge against the morning sky and figured it was probably the farm to go with the barn. The idea of food caused His stomach to rumble but his first thought was for medical supplies. The figure he’d left sleeping was burning with fever and the bandage on her hand was once again soaked with blood.

He didn’t want to leave her but she was in no fit state to make a covert journey and he would most likely be back before she woke. He had to be they needed to move on the barn was too exposed.


Kathryn woke to find herself alone and instantly tried to sit up, but when the barn began to spin and her stomach to heave she decided to search for Tom with tender slow movements of her head instead. When that failed to reveal his whereabouts she put her hearing to the test.

There was no movement on her level of the barn and only the animals shifted softly below. In the distance she could here birds chirping with the sunrise, but closer than the birds there was another sound, a mix of clicking and hissing………."Oh god!"

"Tom!" Kathryn called, attempting to rise against the wave of nausea that threatened to engulf her. Unfortunately, there was no reply from her missing lieutenant and she struggled to her feet alone. Where could he be Kathryn fretted while seeking out an escape root, have they captured him, followed him back here. A crack in the boarding gave Kathryn a view outside. Two snakeheads were heading around to the front of the barn and further away she could see another holding the reins of three beasts muzzled for silence.

"Tom where the hell are you?" Kathryn called again, stumbling to the only way out, the double loading doors. Pushing one tentatively open she peered out across the fields glistening in the morning sunlight. Now she could see two more snakeheads and behind them, Tom! They hadn’t seen him yet but any moment……movement behind Kathryn caused her to turn.


Tom cursed himself it had taken longer than pre conceived to reach the farm only to find it not as sleepy or deserted as hoped. After being discovered by the farmers wife he’s fled empty handed. Sure that her screams and hiss’s would alert anyone within ear shot, he’d made best speed back to the barn, unfortunately once more he was too late.

Standing at the edge of the field fifty yards from the barn Tom could make out two snakes boldly approaching it, weapons drawn. Nearby another stood holding onto the beasts that had chased him the night before. Hoping Kathryn had woken and made good her escape he scanned his surroundings. It wasn’t to be though and Tom’s heart dropped to his boots as he heard her scream from the open barn door.


"Tom run!" Kathryn yelled.

Tom watched as Kathryn was forced backwards by a snakehead towards the open doorway. He could see what was going to happen but was unable to do anything to prevent it. Consequently he stood horrified and watched while she lost her footing and plunged towards the ground.

Her scream rang in his ears before being cut off as she made contact with the solid dirt, bouncing once like a discarded rag doll.

Tom begged his feet to move, the thud sound her body had made replayed with each foot fall, while projectiles from the snakeheads weapons zipped past his head and legs but he paid no heed. Neither did he let the snarling of the beasts hot on his heals slow him down. Covering the distance between them he slid to the ground beside her distorted body, taking in the lull of her head, the lack of movement and the blood trickling out of her ear he feared the worse.

"K….Kathryn?" Tom stuttered, ignoring the snakeheads advancing on there position. She didn’t respond but he saw that her chest was rising and falling in an unsteady rhythm and instinctively felt for Kathryn’s pulse. His fingers finding the wet blood trail before the heart beat. But as the first beat rocked his finger tips the first tingling of a transporter beam assaulted senses.


"Something is wrong." Said Seven the concern showing in her voice. Paris mind was full of anger and pain and it bombarded her mind as the transporter began to hum with life.

Tom and Kathryn appeared on the transporter pad only to be whisked away again as Chakotay ordered Belanna to beam them to sickbay.

Sickbay was still occupied by several injured crew but the main diagnostic bed was empty and Belanna directed the transporter beam so Janeway rematerialised on it with Paris at her side. The EMH reacted without hesitation and was beside them both before the transporter shimmer left them.

"What happened hear?" He asked.

"She fell about fifteen feet onto her back." Paris informed the doctor.

"Did she loose consciousness right away?"

"Yes, No, I don’t know, I wasn’t with her. I only saw."

Janeway stirred, moving her head.

"Kathryn keep still." Paris called out to her, going to the top of the diagnostic bed and holding her head on both sides to immobilise it.

"Mr Paris is right captain; you must hold still, you may have spinal injuries." The doc activated the beds surgical arms as he spoke. "I’m setting up a restraining field to hold you still while I exam you."

Janeway opened her eyes and tried to say something but all she achieved was a strangled gag followed by a spluttering cough and blood.

"She’s bleeding internally." Paris yelled at the doctor.

"You don’t say." Responded the EMH in his usual sarcastic manner. "I’ll need a rapid transfusion set up to compensate while I find out where it’s coming from." The EMH directed his full medical stare at Paris who looked back bemused. "Well you are my assistant aren’t you?"

"Aye sir!" Paris snapped back, reluctantly leaving Janeway’s side to activate the relevant medical equipment.

Kathryn felt Tom’s warm hands leave her and shivered, she was so cold, and to tell the truth a little scared. Even with the retaining field she should still have been able to feel something, but there was no pain except for the throbbing at the back of her head. When she tried to flex her fingers nothing happened, well at least she thought nothing happened, it was hard to tell when she couldn’t feel anything. Or hear. Tom had spoken, she knew, because she had seen his lips move but the sound was distorted like being under water. Now her vision was becoming blurred. "Tom" Kathryn wanted to say yet couldn’t remember how. "Tom please where are you?" Then everything went black and she slipped into her subconscious.

The sickbay doors opened with a swoosh but Chakotay entered before they even got two feet apart, followed very closely by Seven of Nine.

"Doctor how is she?" He asked, striding up to the diagnostic bed and leaning over Janeway but he was too late her eyes were closed.

With a grim look on his face Voyagers EMH drew Chakotay away from the bed. "She’s not good." He said in a hushed voice while shaking his head. "The captain has internal organ damage, broken ribs, a fractured skull, broken neck. And worse of all she has severed her spinal cord."

"What!" Chakotay glanced back at Janeway’s battered body, tried to image her paralysed and couldn’t. "Can you operate?"

"Not yet. I need to stabilize her condition before I attempt anything."

"It’s my fault!" Paris moved around the diagnostic bed slowly as he spoke. "If I hadn’t left her, if I hadn’t freaked out, we’d be safe, she’d be ok."

Chakotay tried to comprehend Paris words but one look at his dejected face and dishevelled clothes told him much more. "I’m sure you did everything you could Tom."

"No, it’s my fault I tell you, I shouldn’t have protected her better, I shouldn’t have left her."

Seven was standing behind Paris but in eye sight of Chakotay, beside her was a tray of inoculations. Nodding to the commander her intentions she deftly palmed one of the hypos.

"No you don’t!" Yelled Paris, whirling around to face Seven. "Did you forget we are still connected?"

"Indeed I did not!" Seven held out the hypo spray. This was Chakotays signal and swiftly moving into position he pressed home the hypo he had also palmed to Paris neck.

Paris let swing his fist, rounding on Chakotay but the ex-marquee had already moved out of arms reach.

"Unfortunately for you Tom we are not."

Paris dropped without another word, allowing Seven and Chakotay to lift him on to a diagnostic bed.

"Any chance you can shed some light on what happened down on that planet to explain Tom’s behaviour." Chakotay asked Seven.

"I can not divulge any personal information I gathered while linked to Mr Paris without his permission. Using our link as a homing signal to find them was one thing betraying his trust is another."

"Your right I’m sorry Seven I shouldn’t have asked, anyway I’m sure Tom will explain himself once he has recovered."


"Mr Paris has two wounds similar to those caused by a projectile weapon. One has passed through his upper left thigh just missing the main artery and the other has penetrated his rear right shoulder blade. I believe the metal casing is still inside." Seven proceeded to poke her finger into the hole in Paris shoulder then pulled out the bullet, allowing it to glint in the med bay lights. "His wounds are not life threatening though so I will assist the doctor with the captain first."

"I’d best leave you to it then."

"As you wish, good day commander."

Seven turned to the doctor leaving Chakotay to speculate for a moment more before turning to leave the med bay.


Paris left sickbay the same night, but with his quarters on one of the sealed decks he was forced to camp out in Sandrine’s for two days. By the time he got access to them again he was deep in an alcoholic fuelled depression that not even Harry Kim his best friend could talk him out of. By day five, with captain Janeway still unconscious Tom had taken communications in his room off line, tossed his combadge in the recycler and secured the door so no one could get in.

Tuvox had reminded Chakotay that he could open it regardless, but the commander wasn’t interested. He reasoned that Paris was safer where he was, than disrupting the rest of the ship with his brooding and once the captain was back on her feet, with a little help from Sevens Borg nanites she would take him to task.


Janeway pressed the intercom buzzer on Paris door frame, no sooner had it chimed than she heard an angry voice scream out. Paris was slumped in an easy chair with a whisky glass in one hand and had obviously been drinking for some time. He looked rough, his uniform tunic top had been discarded, and he needed a shower and a shave.

Upon hearing the door chime Paris rose to his feet, angry at being disturbed he yelled out. "GO AWAY!" then lobbed the glass at the door. It shattered upon impact, the dregs splashing to the floor.

Outside Janeway heard the smash and fearing the worst closed her eyes and concentrated. The nanites she’d insisted the doctor give her had worked, she knew because she could feel the despair from Tom’s mind, it would just take a little time for her to work at how to send a message.

(TOM?) The word rang out inside Paris mind a little too loud making him clasp the sides of his head.

"Get out of my head Seven!" He called out mentally as well as verbally.

(I’m not Seven) Came back the reply clear and in a voice he recognised.


(Yes Tom, we need to talk, open the door)

(No this is a trick; you’re in sickbay paralysed, dying)

(I was Tom…..Now I’m better…… the door and you’ll see)

(If you’re the real captain Janeway you can override the security lock and open it yourself)

(Very well if that’s how you want it)

Paris watched as the door to his quarters rolled sideways and Kathryn walked over the threshold, the look of disappointment on her face hit him hard and he took a step back into the shadows of his room.

"Tom what have you done to yourself?" Kathryn asked taking in his dishevelled appearance.

"Who are you?" Tom asked still not believing his own eyes. "How can you get into my head?"

"Its me, Kay, remember?" Kathryn took a step closer to Tom but there was fear and confusion in his eyes and he responded by backing up further, so she stopped. "I made the doctor inject me with your nanites, without the cortical damage to distract them they headed straight for my neural path way, giving me the ability to communicate with you telepathically."

"That makes some kind of sense, but how is it you can walk?" Paris wobbled slightly on his feet while trying to wave an accusing finger at Kathryn. The alcohol he had consumed was affecting his balance as well as his reasoning. "The doctor said your spinal cord had been severed and you’d never walk again."

"That’s the miracle of nanites." Kathryn smiled. "I’m as good as new."

Over come with emotion at the news Paris began to babble. "It’s my fault you got injured, if I hadn’t…..hadn’t." Tears he had held back over the last week burst forth and began pouring down his face. "I shouldn’t have left you. I should have……" Sobs of relief choked back the rest of Tom’s words and he fell silent closing his eyes tight in an attempt to stem the flow.

"Tom don’t." Kathryn moved forward again, taking the opportunity to reach out and place a hand on his chest. "It wasn’t your fault. No one is blaming you, least of all me."

Shaking Tom covered her hand with his and squeezed, (I’m sorry)

(For what?) Kathryn replied, raising her other hand to caress his rough damp cheek.

Tom slowly opened his eyes, blinked back the tears, and gazed into Kathryn’s. (I love you).

(I know)

Gathering her in his arms Tom took possession of Kathryn’s mouth while mentally reminding her of his promise in the cave once more.


On Voyagers bridge all was quiet, repairs had been completed and they were on course for home again. Janeway nodded nonchalantly to Paris at his helm station, he had twisted in his seat to look at her but now returned this attention to the console in front of him and increased speed.

Chakotay sensing the change in speed glanced up from his own console. "Mr Paris, why have you increased to warp six?"

Paris spun around and gave Chakotay a raised eye browed blank look, but Seven sitting at the science station had already worked out what was going on.

"They are at it again commander." She said.

Chakotay looked from Paris to Janeway several times before the penny dropped and he realised she was giving the helms man orders telepathically. "Will you two stop doing that?"

Janeway couldn’t help smiling smugly and Paris grin couldn’t have gotten any wider.

"How long before this connection fades?" The helpless commander asked.

"I’m not sure I want it to fade." Janeway said, rubbing her chin thoughtfully. "In fact I’m thinking of having the whole crew fitted with nanites. Think how effectively we could run this ship."

"You can’t be serious?" Chakotay was taken a back by his captain’s suggestion.

"It works quiet well for the Borg and the Beterzoids." Chipped in Seven. "The captain is right it would eliminate wasted energy on communications."

"I don’t believe this?" Chakotay turned to the rest of the crew for help.

"It would be a logical course of action under the circumstances." Tuvox added.


"Hell I wouldn’t mind being able to read Jenny Delaney’s thoughts."


"Sure why not, like Seven said it would free up the power we use on communications."

"I’ve talked it over with the doctor, he said it would take a while to replicate enough nanites for everyone but he could start on the command staff tomorrow." Janeway looked directly at Chakotay with a dead pan face. "He’s just waiting for the go ahead from me."

"Well you can count me out, I’ve been linked once, and I’m not prepared to repeat the experience."

"Chakotay?" Janeway wiggled her finger to bring him closer. "Got you!" She said then laughed out loud.

Looking around the bridge he saw that everyone else was laughing too, he’d fallen for the joke hook line and sinker. The only thing he could do was play the sport and join in.

As Kathryn laughed she heard three words in her head.

(I love you)

The End