Applied Functionality
Web Design and Development

Chat Windows

Shopping Carts

My Shopping Cart with Drag & Drop
JQuery & PHP
My EasyUI Cart Demo
jQuery Cart Demo
My 99Points Cart Demo
JQuery & JavaScript
My JCart Cart Demo
Ajax Cart Demo
My Tutorialzine Cart (Work in Progress)
MySQL & Php
Tutorialzine Cart Demo
PHP Cart Demo


A Chat window

My plan was to build an online chatroom or window where two or more people could communicate to each other.

The idea was to customise source code to create a front end deliverable.

I intended to use html5, php, JavaScript and websockets with a local host server.

Prior to this assignment I had no knowledge of how a chat room worked or how to set up a local server or even what Websockets were.

A Shopping Cart

The idea was to build a shopping cart using Ajax so the cart updates without having to reload the page. This shopping cart feature could possibly be used to update my own e e-commerce website.

I am going to use html, php, Javascript, jQuery, Ajax and MySQL to customising open source code to create an effective front end deliverable.

For added interactivity the customer can drag and drop the shop items into the cart.